In ProDeForm, our strategy is rooted in supporting the development sector in the following spheres:


icon1. Employability and entrepreneurship

We support economic participation in all forms – employment, entrepreneurship, self-employment, and gig-economy. We offer opportunities for competence building, professional growth, career guidance, integrating innovation and creativity into your workplace or business. Our programs use competence (knowledge, skills, attitude) based frameworks and use complex learning methods for maximized effect on the learners. Looking to the future, 21st-century skills are essential for competitiveness in all aspects of employment, self-employment, or entrepreneurship, hence we mainstream hard and soft skills into all our programs.

icon 2.Professional development

We believe in fusion of formal and non-formal education methodologies. Professionals from all sectors should look for Innovative approaches, innovative tools, and methods to practice in their own work. Digitalization aggressively entered all aspects of our life as a result of COVID-19 and we should make the best out of it. We offer possibilities for professionals from a number of sectors, including education, employment, development sector, youth, to improve their competencies, network, team up with others, and engage into new and exciting initiatives.

icon 3.Civic Initiatives

We believe in active citizenship and creation of shared public value through contribution and participation of each individual. Our aim is to have active individuals, strong democratic institutions, transparent and effective participation mechanisms – all contributing to a vibrant ecosystem. Volunteering has its unique role in this ecosystem, as both contributing towards individual growth and development, but also serving larger communities in need.

icon 4. Community development

Collaboration with and support communities is essential for having an impact at the local level. Social and economic development, improvement of community services, citizen engagement, and strategic planning are all among priorities of ProDeform.

icon 5. Policy dialogue

We believe in the importance of multi-stakeholder, participatory policy dialogue. Youth, education, employment, entrepreneurship, resilience are among our sectors of interest and expertise. Also, we thrive to mainstream human rights, participation, gender equality, and youth engagement into all relevant policies throughout the policy cycle. We build our policy advocacy work based on quality evidence, and monitoring and evaluation frameworks.

icon 6. Cooperation for development

Partnerships across the borders, within, and across the sectors is a part of our strategy in addressing the vast diversity of complex issues our society is facing. Our approach is to find win-win solutions for all interested slides and build sustainable solutions with the engagement of public, private, and civil society actors. We thrive to develop public-private dialogue at local and national levels and act as a catalyst for the change to come.

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