Employability Toolkit – Trainer Manual on Transversal Skills

“Employability Toolkit – Trainer Manual on Transversal Skills” is developed in the frames of “ProDeForm – Professional Development Platform” project funded by International Visegrad Fund in 2020. The project is implemented by Stepanavan Youth Center NGO in partnership with IDEA LAB Foundation (Poland), Sabai Training NGO (Hungary), and Vice Versa NGO (Czech Republic). 

The Toolkit is designed for trainers, youth workers, teachers, and other educators that work with young people. It provides learning objectives and detailed guidelines for 6 transversal skills that authors find essential for young people’s employability in the current labour market. Those skills are Understanding Self, Critical Thinking, Communication, Conflict Management and Team Work, Organizational Skills and Digital Competences, and Getting Hired. For each skill there is 6-8 hours of learning activities described and additional learning materials provided for follow up/self- learning.

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