“ArqaNe” program
ArqaNe (formerly known as GLOW) Girls' Leadership and Empowerment Program has educated, empowered, and enabled Armenian teenage girls (13-16 years old) to develop their leadership skills since 2008. This annual program starts with a residential summer school which provides space and tools to young Armenian women for self-discovery, self-development, and for tapping into their leadership potential in an empowering and engaging atmosphere. More than 350 girls from all regions of Armenia have benefited from ArqaNe program and continue to impress us with their personal achievements and their contributions to the development of their communities. The summer school is followed by a number of program components that continue to build on their learning and development of their leadership skills. This includes peer education seminars organized by ArqaNe alumnae, a grant program for organizing community projects, regional seminars, mentoring opportunities, as well as online training. Several thousand girls across Armenia took part in the follow-up activities.
ArqaNe (formerly known as GLOW) Girls’ Leadership and Empowerment Program has educated, empowered, and enabled Armenian teenage girls (13-16 years old) to develop their leadership skills since 2008. This annual program starts with a residential summer school which provides space and tools to young Armenian women for self-discovery, self-development, and for tapping into their leadership potential in an empowering and engaging atmosphere. More than 350 girls from all regions of Armenia have benefited from ArqaNe program and continue to impress us with their personal achievements and their contributions to the development of their communities. The summer school is followed by a number of program components that continue to build on their learning and development of their leadership skills. This includes peer education seminars organized by ArqaNe alumnae, a grant program for organizing community projects, regional seminars, mentoring opportunities, as well as online training. Several thousand girls across Armenia took part in the follow-up activities.