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Climate Risk Assessment in Armenian Communities

Project name“Climate risk assessment in consolidated communities of Armenia” Project  
Implementing institution“Disaster Risk Reduction National Platform” (DRRNP) Foundation
Partner institutions (if applicable)Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, Statistics Committee, province (marz) and local authorities of target communities
Contact personAra Barseghyan, DRRNP Acting Director
Telephone +374 05 204704, +374 91 204704
TypeCapacity building and development
SectorBuilding resilience at the community level
Cross-cutting (and secondary) themes(e.g. IT, Gender) Resource mobilization, risk informed development planning, risk communication
KeywordsClimate change, adaptation, resilience building
Dates of implementationStart (2022, June) – completion (2024, april)
Donor(s)/Funding source(s)UNICEF, Austrian Development Agency
Value288700 USD
Project websiteThe project does not have its own website.
Social media pagesFacebook: DRR National Platform/ARNAP foundation
Brief DescriptionThe purpose of the Project is to contribute towards Armenia communities’ resilience building efforts, promoting the active involvement of the community population and local self-government bodies in addressing the community faced challenges posed by climate change. It is achieved thorough conducting climate risk assessment in the selected consolidated communities of Armenia, developing recommendations on the community based climate change adaptation solutionsenhancing community awareness on climate change, and improving communities’ adaptive capacitiesfacilitating community disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation planning Project contributes towards the implementation of local level component of Armenia adaptation plan.
Development modelCommunity climate risk assessment is performed in line with the Local level risk management (LLRM) methodology. The LLRM process is a combination of successive steps, consisting of following phases: preparationdata collection and validation,data analysis and climate risk identification development, prioritization and planning of adaptation measures addressing the identified risks. Preparatory phase includes development of Project implementation plan and the package of related documentationorganization of Project introductory meetings with key stakeholderssetting the Project coordination and cooperation mechanismsconducting local workshops and establishment of local teams. Data collection is performed by the local team members using the LLRM data collection toolkit that includes: secondary data (published and provided by the municipalities)primary data obtained through different types of local interviews, focus group discussions, direct observation and mapping, etc. Data collection tools designed with sectoral alignment of data that includes agriculture, human health, water resources, settlements and infrastructure, energy, ecosystems and tourism. Data analysis and risk identification is performed by the Project analytic team with engagement of thematic experts (climatology, statistics and emergency data management). There are special tools developed by the Project coordination unit that support the qualitative and quantitative data digitization and operation. In the result of data analysis the analytic team assesses the sectoral vulnerabilities and climate risks for each target community by settlements. Reporting and presentation of project results is done according to specially developed reporting standard templates. Results are presented and discussed in all targeted communities in order to enable the community members and the leadership to prioritize and select feasible solutions from a variety of solutions proposed. Project final report is officially handed out to the community authorities. It is also presented in the general stakeholders’ meeting. The electronic version of the report is available at the DRRNP website.  
OutcomesClimate enriched local level risk management (LLRM) methodology is developed, piloted and introduced within the frames of the Project Climate risk assessed in the 26 consolidated communities (by settlement) of Shirak, Lori, Tavush, Gegharkunik, Aragatsotn, Vayots Dzor and Syunik provinces of Armenia.Communities provided with recommendations on climate change adaptation solutions based on the assessment results.Community DRM plans and five year development strategies revisited with consideration of adaptation solutions prioritised by the communities.Municipalities’ institutional capacity enhanced by the creation and engagement of local teams that apart from performing project activities provide advisory services to local authorities.
NotesMinistry of Territorial Administration established a joint working group with participation of DRRNP and UNICEF project leadership to facilitate the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation measures into community sectoral and strategic development plans.  
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